Like any new start-up business, our intent is to provide you with not only quality products but a wide variety to choose from as well, something a bit out of the ordinary that you’ve never viewed elsewhere! I think you will enjoy what we’ve come up with and will be as eager to share our products with your friends and family as we are to present them to you.

After many years of working in a corporate environment in mid-level management supporting the Information Technology arena, I experienced more down-sizings and plant closures than a body has a right to. I began to think my life was nothing more than a roller coaster ride and I wanted OFF ! My initial concept for starting my business was in promoting holidays and special occasions which I plan to present in 2008, but being the sports fan that I am, supporting that environment caught my attention as well, and who better to partner with than Boise State University!

As you will see, we currently offer bright and colorful yard signs along with magnetic signs for your cars, but check back often because we have other great products coming soon.

Thank you for visiting my site. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions you may have for product development.

Brenda J. Ritzenthaler
(208) 703-6119